American Homebrewers Association
Multiple Reasons:
COHO Specific Benefits:
Use the link below, along with the discount code, to join or renew your AHA membership
AHA New Membership or Renewal Discount Code: COHO
The AHA partners with a company called West's Insurance Agency to offer homebrew clubs a discounted, liability coverage policy to protect homebrew clubs in the case of an unfortunate event. In addition to this discounted offering, AHA will reimburse homebrew clubs that have at least 75% of their active club members, also signed up as active AHA members. For the amount of active COHO members in 2022, that could have been a savings of almost $500! To ensure your AHA membership is properly linked with COHO, be sure to log into your AHA account and update your Club Affiliations making sure "Central Oregon Homebrewing Organization (COHO)" is one of your four possible club affiliations. Link below for more info.