COHO Snow Shoe Trip

  • March 02, 2018
  • 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM (PST)
  • Swampy Snow Park


Registration is closed

We finally have snow!

It is time to have our (now) annual snow shoe hike.  The beer theme is Winter Warmer.  So, bring your favorite beer that warms you on a cold snowy night.  

We will meet at Swampy Snow Park at 6pm on Friday March 2nd and snow shoe into the Swampy Lakes Shelter.  The shelter has a wood stove so we can keep it warm.  However, it will likely be cold outside, so dress warm (and in layers).  I highly recommend having snow shoes.  There are plenty of places in town you can rent them from.  Bring a headlamp with fresh batteries.

The hike is about 2 miles to the shelter.

We should be back around 10pm or so.

Please sign up so I can get a head count.


Kevin Tucker

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