August 2021 COHO Monthly Meeting (Moved from 8/18)

  • August 14, 2021
  • 12:00 PM (PDT)
  • COHOmbrefest

We're going to squeeze in our meeting early this month, as we do not have a location to meet at this time.

The Central Oregon Homebrewers Organization meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.

Did you miss the last meeting? Here's a recap of the previous Club Meetings.

Education Sessions:

Each month, the club tries to schedule a training session of some kind, often with guest presenters from the local breweries. There's also lots of homebrew to sample.


  • Social time starts - 6:30 PM
  • Club meeting starts - 7:00 PM
  • Meeting adjourns - 9:00 PM
  • Bring your homebrew
    • Remember, you can often learn a lot more from the bad beers you make than the good ones, so bring 'em all in and share! There are many experienced brewers at each meeting who are happy to discuss your beer's pros and cons.
    • Bring your own cup to avoid waste
  • Potluck style food during social hour
  • Most meetings contain an educational session
  • Monthly raffle (donated items like beer, brewery swag, hops, and equipment are always appreciated)
  • Come out and enjoy some beer with a fun group of people!

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