September 2021 Group Brew

  • September 11, 2021
  • 12:00 PM (PDT)
  • 2857 NW 23rd St Redmond, OR 97756


Registration is closed

The September group brew will be held at Remington's house. Come check out his setup and brewing technique. If you're coming, please be sure to bring a beer or two, a cup, your own chair and some food to share.

Remington will be brewing a Dunkel and will have plenty of homebrew to share.

The purpose of the group brew is not only to allow for some fun social time with fellow brewers, but also to have a chance to bring out your brew equipment and brew! It's also a great way to learn about different brewing equipment, techniques, and tips/tricks.

(Note: Map location is just a bit off - the house is just south of the pin. Or look for the open garage with brewing equipment)

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