This is the monthly COHO general meeting. Guest are very welcome, and encouraged, to attend.
We were informed today that due to the flu, the Aspen Ridge facility is currently locked down from activities. There are several residents who currently have the flu, and they are trying to avoid it spreading to others. What this means to us is that a new location needed to be found for tomorrow’s meeting.
Thanks to the quick work of Tim K., we have secured the White house, behind the Les Schwab amphitheater for tomorrow night’s meeting. The building is a bit short on chairs, so if you can bring your own folding chair, that would be a good idea.
The address is 322 SW Shevlin Hixon Drive.
This month’s Attendance drawing is up to $45!
We’ll be discussing:
- Date and special activity for this year’s Summer Bash
- COHO participation in Zwicklemainia
- Upcoming group brews
- Brewstand status and upcoming build party
- It’s early, but we want to discuss an idea for Octoberfest in Mt. Angel
- Some cheap growler fills
- And an important update on Spring Fling
Remember to bring some beer and/or snacks, and any donations to the monthly raffle are greatly appreciated.